Monday, June 15, 2015

The Lady on the Sea -- Dubrovnik

            Stop. Before you read any further, think first of the most beautiful sights you've ever seen. Perhaps it is a river flowing through a forest, or a sunset on the beach, or if you've been lucky enough to travel, the Swiss Alps in the winter. Well I know a place that I am certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would easily take place in your top scenic sights, if not the top. That place is Dubrovnik, Croatia.
            After traveling for ten days through Albania, we were on to the next leg of our journey: Croatia. Our first day began by crossing the border in the evening and finding ourselves floored by the absolute majesty and splendor of the Croatian coast. Thousands of trees gave the land an immensely green appearance and added to the overall beauty. All on the bus gazed silently at God's creation, fully awestruck. Golden sunbeams lit up every ripple in the water so that it shimmered as though it held treasures untold. Countless islands spotted the ocean, each one begging to be explored. If time and money had not been an issue, I would have rented a boat and camped out on one of those islands. Unfortunately, I had neither time nor money and had to resign myself to watching in wonder as our bus curved along the Croatian coast.

Rounding the final curve until Dubrovnik is in sight
            We rounded the last bend of cliffs and Dubrovnik was now in view. The Old City sat on the edge of the water with a grandeur so weighty her presence could nearly be felt. Her white walls in triumphant prestige encircled her, this lady on the sea. As I gazed at this remarkable sight, I felt as if I had been transported back in time, taken on a trip to centuries past. Our tour leader came on the intercom and remarked, "That's where you will be performing tonight." We couldn't contain our excitement.

The walls surrounding Dubrovnik
            The twilight hour found our group of 60 striding along the worn cobblestone paths of the Old City in full concert attire. Drawing the attention of tourists and passersby, we meandered through the city's confusing streets past lovely water fountains, interesting shops and enticing restaurants. The smell of freshly baked pastries aroused my appetite, and I comforted myself with the thought that it wouldn't be too long until I could indulge. By this time the sun had fully set and the city lights and antique lanterns began to come on, transforming the city into an altogether different and seemingly magical environment. We soon reached our beautiful outdoor amphitheater, with concrete risers surrounded by walls overgrown with ivy. Just beyond the walls were tall apartment complexes, and locals leaned from the windows into the balmy night air, eager to enjoy our free concert. The area was packed and we delivered one of our best performances to the sound of clapping and uproarious applause. I will long remember the emotions evoked by that night in city of Dubrovnic, the romance, beauty, and magic, and I encourage anyone yearning to be taken back in time to visit the lovely lady on the sea.

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